Any part of any kind of fish, frozen or raw, can be measured scientifically.

As time goes by, fish and meat deteriorate, their composition changes and the taste declines. The accumulation of certain chemicals can cause severe reactions such as food poisoning or allergy. Freshness Checker makes use of changes occurring in the cells of meat tissues, where Adenosine triphosphate (ATP, the main energy transport molecule within cells) is converted to Inosine (HxR) and then Hypoxanthine (Hx) as the cells deteriorate.
UV radiation is used to visualize the presence of the breakdown products of ATP, allowing them to be identified, photographed and measured accurately within a short time.
The K value is determined by the following formula
The Freshness Checker is based on electrophoresis, which separates various components present in healthy animal tissues, such as ATP and ADP, and products of decay, such as HxR and Hx.
Can be used for meat products as well as fish.
Measure freshness checker, histamine that causes food poisoning simultaneously on the same test paper. With this method, you can confirm the freshness and safety of ingredients in a short time.